"The Heaven · The World" ---- Photography ,video, installation solo show by Shi Yong September 17 - October 22,2004 |
Exhibition Views
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Part I: The World ShanghART Fuxingpark Gallery Installation view Part l |
Part II The Heaven H-Space*), Moganshan Rd Installation view Part ll |
Media |
Description |
有点晕2 A Little Dizzy2 |
录像装置 video installation, 2004
There is no screen for the video. (The video was filmed at the 2002 Shanghai Biennale cocktail party, which projects onto the water surface int he bath tub) 没有显示屏的视频。(该视频在2002年上海双年展的鸡尾酒会上摄制,投影倒浴盆的水面上。) |
天上.人间 The Heaven. The World |
摄影,灯箱装置 computer processed digital photography, light box, 22x30cmx12pcs(total hight:264.5cmxwidth:30cm 2004 |
图象的内容如迷药般蔓延,将它们作成内透式灯箱。由墙角向上排列堆砌,犹如引向天空的光束。 The contents of the images extend like hallucinogen. It is then developed into light boxes, piled upwards along the corners of a wall, just like a beam of light shooting towards the sky. |
继 续 Continuous |
录像 video, 2004 8’18’ |
拍摄30个不同人物形象(各自装扮成相同的上海新形象),将头像按顺序连接,让观 众看起来好象既有变化(不同的脸型),又没有变化(相同的装束)。电视机画面竖放,(无声) In this video, 30 different images of people were taken. They all dressed the same as in The New Image of Shanghai, and arranged in sequence, which seems different (the different faces), yet it looks the same as before. The TV set is placed vertically. There is neither voice over nor background music. |
天堂 Heaven
装置 installation, 2004
将一个单人床用细钢丝绳吊挂在离地约5米的高度,床单一直延伸至地面。床底倒挂 一旋转的吊扇,床单微拂,如梦天堂。至于是否危险,与我无关。 A single bed is wired up 5M above the floor. The length of the bed sheet is extended to the floor. A fan is placed under the bed so as to make the sheet flap in the air. It creates a heavenly environment for dreaming. (Is it dangerous? It’s none of my business.) |
引力——上海夜空 Gravitation——Shanghai Sky
摄影,灯箱装置 installation 52 x 37.5 x 52pcs (total 555 x 238 cm) 2004 |
-共56只灯箱构成, 拍自夜晚的上海高层建筑顶部 The very top part of skyscrapers in Shanghai has been taken into pictures and made into 56 light boxes |
一定要保持高度 Keep The Height by All Means
综合媒介装置 -高约7.3米 Mixed media installation 7.3 meters app. 2003 |
充气建筑四边各按一个连动的打气筒,如没有观众参与时,充气建筑顶端部分会泄气, 倾斜。只有当观众参与打气时,顶端才会坚挺,并会发出一阵阵嘹亮的歌剧咏叹调 Instead
of concrete, this building-like figure is made of plastic, and it can only
stand up straight by pumping the four air pumps which are attached to the
four sides of the building. It will also play an aria when it’s up. If no one
pumps in air, air will then leak from the top of the structure and the
building will collapse.
飞Q Flying Q
综合媒介装置 Mixed media installation 2003 |
A. 将飞碟停在美术馆的楼顶平台上,想象飞往太空 B. 飞碟内有一旋转的粉红色充气骨,并发出约10位艺术家关于打开天空的言论。观众只有钻入孔内才能倾听。此时,看起来既象一个飞碟,又象一只王八 A. Imagine flying to space by parking the ‘flying object’ on the roof top of the art museum. B. There is a pink air-puffed object which spins inside of the flying object. While spinning, there are speeches by 10 artists which talks about the exhibition, ‘Opening Up The Sky’. Audiences can listen to the speeches by poking their heads into the hole of the flying machine. This installation not only looks like a flying object, it also looks like a tortoise. |
有点晕 A Little Dizzy |
声音装置 sound installation 10-20 minutes 2002 |
在都市夜色中,边走边录现实生活中的各种声音,并与特殊音符重新折合成为连续 的,呓语般的城市声音。在封闭的展示空间中,没有照明,黑暗,只有声音 This sound installation was recorded while walking under the night sky of the city. The various sounds of our every day life has recorded and combine them with special notes, to create continuous and murmuring sounds of the city. In the enclosed display area, there is only darkness and sounds. |
可以飞得更高 Could Fly Higher
录像装置 video installation, 2002 |
这件作品的基本想法来自于我对抛物线的想象:比如,一根宠物骨抛向远处带着如彩虹般的弧线划过天空又落下。我把这种想象引申为二根分别由无数药盒与粉色霓虹灯构成的长约6米的弧线,它们上下平行地吊挂在天花板上。在它们的首端,同时吊挂着一只画面朝下的迷你显示屏。影像内容由如宠物般觅食与奔跑的一对局部的手以及淡化叠置的“新形象”在飞翔的二组形象组成。随着音乐的变化由慢至快、由慢镜头至快镜头的交替切换中进行着。在地上,我安置了二只红色充气床,观众在观看时,必须躺下。 The basic idea of this piece comes from the imagination of a para-curve: for example, a dog's bone thrown afar falls along a rainbow-like curve line in the sky. I further extend this imagination to a curve of about six meters constituted by numerous medicine boxes and pink neon lights, which is hung from the ceiling, parallel to one another vertically. At the upper end, I’ve hung a mini-screen facing downwards. The picture is comprised of a pair of hands like a pet hunting and racing for food. It develops with the change of music and the exchange of slow scene and fast scene and slow-fast scenes. On the ground, I place two red air beds, such that the viewers must lie before they see them. |
Dating (first time to exhibit) 约会(第一次展出)
电脑合成照片 computer processed digital photography, 2002 |
借用爱情话语,模拟了一次上海新形象的约会,来反映艺术交流的现实。 The conversation in a love relationship has been used again to reflect the reality of art exchange.(similar with the First Date)
月色撩人 The Moon Hues Are Teasing
装置 Installation Consist of 3 pieces -polyester, textile, lamp, loudspeaker -size of trousers: 186 x 142 x 307 cm -size of bone 150 x 28 x 20 cm 2002 |
既是下半身,又是上半身,宠物骨内微微传出2002年上海双年展酒会的现场声音, 观众必须弯腰才能听见 The bigger piece of the installation looks like the upper part of a body and the lower part as well. A loud speaker has been installed inside the large pet bone in front. The sound of the cocktail party of Shanghai Biennial 2002 was recorded and would play during the exhibition. It’s not very so audiences have to bend down to listen to it. Consists of 3 pieces.
永远 - 风景画廊2号 Forever ---- Gallery Scenery No.2 * |
电脑合成照片 computer processed digital photography 80 x 360 cm Ed. 5 2002 |
今晚的月亮 - 风景画廊1号 Tonight Moon --- Gallery Scenery No.1
电脑合成照片 computer processed digital photography 80 x 360 cm Ed.5 2002 |
(exhibition: Pingyao International Photography Festival (PIP), Pingyao, China) |
基调: 红70%, 黄20, 兰10% The Keynote: Red70%, Yellow 20%, Blue 10%
电脑合成照片, 灯箱 computer processed digital photography, light box 80 x 56 (cm) 2002 |
憧憬 Vision of the Future (Yearnings)
电脑合成照片 computer processed digital photography Edition 10 85 x 100 cm 2001 |
Father: Look, our international prospects for the new
centruy are bright! Mother: We must show off our skill. 作品第一幅对话:爸爸:“看,新世纪的国际前途是光明的!” 妈妈:“得好好露一手。” 奶奶:“该是搏一搏的时候了。” 爷爷:“在新世纪一定要好好把握时机啊!” 儿子:“可是道路是曲折的。” |
你不可以克隆,但你可以买 You cannot clone it, but you can buy it 2000 |
电脑合成照片 computer processed digital photography Edition 50 31 x 248 cm |
欢迎您来上海 Made in China- Welcome to Shanghai |
(新形象)彩色小雕像 Sculpture -polyester, hand-painted with acrylic Edition 100 6 x 6 x 29 cm 1999 |
把上海新形象做成旅游品,在“超市”概念的展览上展出 To turn the new image of Shanghai into tourist souvenirs, display in the supermarket-concept show and was sold out. |
请勿触摸‘请勿触摸’ Don’t Touch ‘Don’t Touch’
-感应装置 霓虹灯, 警报器 -installation neon light, self-inductive alarm 1996 |
-这四个霓虹灯字放在地面,上端有一感应警报器。观众一旦进入文字周边区域,警报 器印刻鸣响。 -这四个霓虹灯字放在地面,上端有一感应警报器。观众一旦进入文字周边区域,警报 器印刻鸣响。 -题目的第一个“请勿触摸”是动词,第二个‘请勿触摸’既是名词,又是物 There are four neon-light characters on the ground, with a sensor and an alarm attached. When audiences enters the area of the sensor, the self-inductive alarm would set off. The first “Don’t Touch” on the title is a verb, and the second “Don’t Touch” is both a noun and an object |
Text On the Exhibition:
"The Heaven. The World ---- "Photography video, installation solo show by Shi Yong. The personal exhibition of the Shanghai based artist Shi Yong will be held at the Shanghart Gallery in Fuxing Park (Part I: The Wolrd) and in the ShanghART Suzhoucreek Warehouse (Part II: The Heaven) in this 'bright and magnificent fall'. This will be a pretty complete exhibition for Shi Yong's works of the recent years. The exhibition will consist of "The Heaven" and "The World"; "Part I: The World" will be shown at Shanghart Gallery in Fuxing Park and include video installation and photographic works. A simple inauguration will be held as well. The other part "The Heaven" will be exhibited in Shanghart Suzhou Creek warehouse, the huge lightening box and other devices with three to four meters height will be showed together with some large photography works. "Shi Yong's works make wide use of irony and involves often people in the making, it becomes an entertaining and sharp tool that helps to perceive the speed of the stream of communication and growth of Shanghai, China today". Shi Yong, born in Shanghai in 1963, graduated from the Fine Art Department of Light Industrial School in 1985, lives and works in Shanghai. Shi Yong has shown widely in China (incl Shanghai Biennale 2002, ) and overseas (Boijmans Van Beuningen Museum, 2001, Biennale de Sao Paolo 02 etc). He recently participated in a workshop with Robert Wilson in NY. "'Could Fly Higher' is an another video installtion. The basic idea of this piece comes from the imagination of a para-curve: for example, a dog's bone thrown afar falls along a rainbow-like curve line in the sky. Or another example, a linear index flies from this end to another of the electronic screen along its flying curve like a supersonic plane, which is like imagination and hope may be repeated one time after another. I further extend this imagination to a curve of about six meters constituted by numerous medicine boxes and pink neon lights, which is hung from the ceiling, parallel to one another vertically. At the upper end is hung a mini-screen facing downward. The picture is comprised of a pair of hands like a pet hunting and racing for food and faintly overlapped flying "New Image". It develops with the change of music and the exchange of slow scene and fast scene and slow-fast scenes. Under the effect of strong gravity (the invisible existence of the image of a pet), appears an illusive scene cased as of by hallucinogenic: carefully looking targets at a time and energetic and running like flying at another; full of fantasies at a time and crazy like a fly suddenly at another. On the ground, I place two red air beds, such that the viewers must lie before they see them. The arrangement of this way of viewing comes from the childhood experience when I lay on a long chair, getting cool air, looking up at the starry sky, full of various whimsical ideas. I think this piece is suitable for the way of viewing." --Shi Yong 在秋高气爽的日子里,香格纳画廊将会在复兴公园展厅和苏州河仓库同期举行上海艺术家施勇的个展:“天上.人间”--施勇摄影,录像,装置展,这是施勇近年来创作作品相当完整的展现。这个展览分“天上”,“人间”二个部分:其中“人间”部分,在香格纳画廊复兴公园的展示厅中举行,届时会展出一个施勇最新创作完成的装置摄影作品,一个纯摄影作品,及一些最近来的摄影作品。另有一个小型的开幕式。 而“天上”部份则会在香格纳画廊苏州河仓库同期举行,展品除一些大型摄影作品后,更有3至4米巨型灯箱、装置作品。(参观香格纳画廊仓库请预约)。 施勇,生于1963年,出生于上海,毕业于上海轻工业专科学校美术系,现在工作生活于上海。 在广州,我创作了另一件录象环境装置《可以飞得更高》。这件作品的基本想法来自于我对抛物线的想象:比如,一根宠物骨抛向远处带着如彩虹般的弧线划过天空又落下。又比如一条线性指数带者如超音速飞机般的飞行弧度由电子屏的这一端划向那一端,就象想象与期待可以一次接着一次地重复。我把这种想象引申为二根分别由无数药盒与粉色霓虹灯构成的长约6米的弧线,它们上下平行地吊挂在天花板上。在它们的首端,同时吊挂着一只画面朝下的迷你显示屏。影像内容由如宠物般觅食与奔跑的一对局部的手以及淡化叠置的“新形象”在飞翔的二组形象组成。随着音乐的变化由慢至快、由慢镜头至快镜头的交替切换中进行着。在强引力的作用下(一种宠物骨意象的无形存在)呈现出一种如迷药般导致的幻觉景象:时而认真细心寻找目标,时而又快疾如飞充满斗志,一会儿是充满幻想,一会儿又突然如苍蝇般变得癫狂。在地上,我安置了二只红色充气床,观众在观看时,必须躺下。以这种观看方式来处理,是因为小时候乘凉,睡在躺椅中,仰望着满天繁星时的那种想入非非的经验。我认为这件作品非常适合于这种观看。 --施勇