"When I was young, I could not tell what melancholy was, but I loved to climb towers. As I climbed up this and that tower, I wrote many a poem too, but these poems did not communicate true melancholy, they were simply a word game for me. As for now, I have grown old and tasted the bitter taste of melancholy, I wish to talk and write about it, but I am silenced, I give up even before I try. How I want to talk and write about it, but give up even before trying! I find myself exclaiming instead, that this chilly weather makes a good fall!"
size of poem: 6 parts (2 sets with 3 parts each), size of the 3 parts of a set: h: 1880 cm, 2005cm 1880cm; w: 30cm incl frame 3cm of the space in between all the photos
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