ShanghART Gallery 香格纳画廊
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b. 1983, works and lives in Singapore
Matt Diasec in black frame
80(H)*120cm | IMAGE 74*111cm
Edition of 5 + 1AP

The Ground-Thrush is common everywhere, but is most numerous near the coast. Like the other birds of the island, it is very tame, and when I was breaking up rotten wood searching for beetles, several of them would stand quite close by in readiness to pick up any grubs that were uncovered. Its food consists of insects, seeds, and any carrion it can find, and I have seen one kill a small brown lizard, though it seemed to have some difficulty in doing so. “When hunting for insects among the dead leaves, the colours of the plumage harmonize so exactly with the surroundings that, were it not for the bright yellow beak and eye-lids the bird would be almost invisible. The alarm cry is much like that of the European Blackbird, and in the pairing season (December-January) the male has a song something like that of the English Thrush, but harsher and less varied. The nest is made of fibres of the wild sago-palm skeleton leaves, and other vegetable fibre; it is not mud-lined. One nest was taken from the crown of a screw-pine (Pandanus), another from the hollow top of a broken tree trunk some fifteen feet from the ground .Eggs were found in December, and in the following month young birds just able to fly were numerous, and continued to be so till April.

Detail pictures:

Related Exhibitions:
Robert Zhao Renhui: Christmas Island, Naturally, ShanghART M50, Shanghai 09.03, 2017 -11.19, 2017
Zhao Renhui: Christmas Island, Naturally, ShanghART Singapore, Singapore 03.11, 2017 -05.08, 2017

Kadist Art Foundation

Related Texts:
War on feral cats: Singaporean artist tackles Christmas Island’s ecological dilemma , Mayo Martin TEXT 2017-03-26


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