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个展 集美花园,新加坡
日期: 01.14, 2017 - 02.26, 2017

参展艺术家: Robert ZHAO Renhui 赵仁辉

OH! Open House, in collaboration with The Institute of Critical Zoologists, is transforming a two-storey terraced house in Chip Bee Gardens into a maze-like museum of curiosities.  

The Bizarre Honour – presented as a fictional institution showcasing their eclectic collection in a newfound space – will unveil over 300 natural objects and artefacts dating from the colonial period to the contemporary times. Collected by the artists over a period of 15 years, the exhibits survey Singapore’s contentious relationship with its nature.

In a unique and highly private experience, only two visitors are allowed in the museum at any one point of time. From rare colonial photos, taxidermy and animal traps to tropical field equipment, visitors can expect a sensory treat while they immerse themselves in a living, breathing museum.

Visitors should prepare themselves for spending 30 minutes in the museum where there are no guides, labels or explanations, and no distinction between art and artefacts. Visitors can only rely on a personal dossier – comprising memos, photographs and other classified information pertaining to exhibits and experiments – to unlock the mysteries of the museum and its exhibits.


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Robert Zhao: Exploring the Boundaries Between Empirical and Enchantment | ArtReview

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OH! Open House ,


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