ShanghART Gallery 香格纳画廊
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活动 香格纳图书馆,上海
日期: 06.08, 2017 - 06.18, 2017

自 2000 年,香格纳画廊与巴塞尔这个有着“ 艺术界的奥林匹克” 盛誉的国际顶级艺术博览已经持续了十八年的约定。 每一届巴塞尔艺术博览会出品的精美图录都会被带回上海,收藏在香格纳的图书库中。与本届巴塞尔艺术盛会同步,这 批藏书将在香格纳上海空间和公众见面。

Since 2000, ShanghART has continued the bond with the world's largest modern artfair Art Basel, dubbed the "Olympics of art world", for 18 years. The exquisite catalogues from every edition of the art fair were brought back from Basel to Shanghai and archived in ShanghART Archive. This private collection of books will now be open to the public, coinciding with the duration of Art Basel this year.

活动时间 Duration
现已开放至 - 6月18日
Open Now until 18 June
活动地点 Location
ShanghART Archive, Floor 1, West Bund, Bldg.10, 2555 Longteng Avenue, Xuhui District


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