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Carte Blanche: Decoherence
Group Exhibition ShanghART M50, Shanghai
Date: 11.25, 2017 - 02.05, 2018

Curator: Liu Weijian
Artists: Ge Yan, Wu Houting, Xiao Jiang, Zheng Tianming (listed in alphabetical order)

"So you're saying the moon isn't there unless someone's looking at it?" "Yes, we cannot be sure it's there unless we're looking."

Decoherence was first introduced in 1970 by the German physicist H. Dieter Zeh.

Opening:2017/11/25 16:00
Duration:2017/11/25 – 2018/02/05(Wed.-Sun. 10:00-17:00, Mon.  Tues. & Thur. Closed)
Address:ShanghART M50, Bldg 16, 50 Moganshan Rd., Putuo District, Shanghai, China 200060 |

Ge Yan (b.1984, works and lives in Shanghai)

In this series of works, spatial integration and recombination of elements in classic sculpture are adopted to focus on spatial reconstruction and transformation of the cognitive experience of “objects”. Those “sculptures” in mismatched spaces, whether treated as simple “objects” or scenes without their imagery values, bring us to another space where a new viewing method has been dramatically re-established. The method, reconstructed from chaos and order, contains my personal perception and understanding about the everyday environment.

Wu Houting (b.1985, works and lives in Shanghai)

Let the gap appear; create a “new boundary”; approach “reality” from the boundary.

Xiao Jiang (b.1977, works and lives in Shanghai)

Work behind closed doors; wait aimlessly; let the stones guide you through the river.

Zheng Tianming (b.1987, works and lives in Shanghai)

I wish to make works that clearly exists, but not works that has a clear purpose. Lots of ideas jump into my mind each day, quickly forgotten and trace-less. It’s such a shame. I try to capture them, to prove that I did something today, in order to feel a little more secure. These ideas are without strict logic, and cannot solve any specific problem. Like a shooting star, they exist only in the form of a work; the work can be viewed as a specimen of consciousness.

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