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Compound Eyes
Group Exhibition Dr Earl Lu Gallery, Singapore
Date: 2001

Artists: ZHU Jia 朱加 | 

'Compound Eyes' was first held in conjunction with Singapore Arts Festival 2001, focusing on the latest video art from China. Through the works of five Chinese artists, this exhibition presents the current concerns of Chinese artists on socio-political and aesthetic issues of contemporary artistic practice. The accompanying essays provide an insightful study of the history and development of Chinese video art from the perspective of a mainland Chinese curator (Huang Zhuan), a Singaporean curator and educator (Binghui Huangfu), and a Dutch art historian (Johan Pijnappel). Biographical information of the artists is included. The exhibition toured to the He Xiangning Art Gallery (Shenzhen, China) in October 2001, and Australia and Hong Kong during 2002. There are also plans for exhibition in Europe.

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