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A Composite Leviathan
Group Exhibition Bridge Projects, Los Angeles; Luhring Augustine, New York, U.S.A.
Date: 09.12, 2020 - 12.05, 2020

More Locations:
Luhring Augustine Bushwick, New York, USA Oct 10, 2019 - Dec 21, 2019
Artists: HE Wei 何伟 |  LI Ran 李然 |  Nabuqi 娜布其 |  ZHAO Yang 赵洋 | 

Luhring Augustine Bushwick is pleased to present A Composite Leviathan, an exhibition of new and recent work by twelve emerging artists from China. The diverse practices of these artists defy clear categorization, but are united through a shared investigation into the rapidly transforming landscape of contemporary culture, including the impact of emergent technologies, globalization, and urban sprawl. Organized in collaboration with James Elaine, the Beijing-based curator and artist, this robust exhibition will introduce the New York audience to a new generation of contemporary Chinese artists. Featured in the exhibition are works by He Wei, Jiu Jiu, Liu Dongxu, Liu Fujie, Nabuqi, Wu Di, Yang Jian, Zeng Hong, Zhang Miao, Zhang Ruyi, Zhang Xinjun, and Zhao Yang.

In Biblical terminology "Leviathan" is a dark creature of immense size, like that of an island rising out of the sea that cannot be subdued by mere man alone. It also can refer to anything of enormous proportions and formidable power, such as international corporations or totalitarian states and their vast bureaucracies. In Yang Jian’s sculpture, A Composite Leviathan, which inspired the exhibition’s title, we see a relic of an intimidating yet tottering state system composed of distinct elements sourced from disparate public spaces and monuments. It is a jigsaw puzzle of incongruous elements that don’t fit together quite right, but beautifully reveal the twisted metal structure within. I was reminded of Leonard Cohen’s lyrics: “There is a crack, a crack in everything / That’s how the light gets in.” The “cracks” in the sculpture’s armor are like the lines that have drawn this exhibition together. The focus of the show is not political, thematic, religious, or stylistic; rather it showcases a community of dispersed artists who are working in diverse methods, living in a conflicting system of flux and control, and drawing the “lines” that let the light in.

– James Elaine

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More Pictures:
Luhring Augustine Bushwick, New York
Bridge Projects, Los Angeles

Works Exhibited :

Bridging Beijing: He Wei 何伟 , Bridging Beijing: Li Ran​ 李然 ,


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