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爪哇八哥协会 , 非季节
项目 设计·乌节,新加坡
日期: 02.17, 2022 - 04.10, 2022

参展艺术家: Robert ZHAO Renhui 赵仁辉 | 

Sundown at Orchard Road in Singapore is marked by a massive flurry of mynahs coming to roost. Over the years, business-owners have taken measures — including deploying a hawk to prey on the birds — against the mynah population, mostly in vain. In the 1980s, a group of local nature lovers formed the Singapore Javan Mynah Society, hoping to turn the roosting event into a tourist attraction. The society led tours out to Orchard Road to witness the roosting, which they marketed as “a spectacular natural phenomenon in the heart of the city”.

They also sold merchandise such T-shirts, toys and postcards.

​The Javan Mynah Society would be offering visitors a group photo opportunity with the famous Orchard Road Mynas.

This project is presented as part of The Non Season:
The Non Season was inspired by a distinct reality for Singapore fashion – that the seasonal fashion calendar is largely irrelevant to Singapore’s fashion brands and invites Singapore-based artists to reimagine structures and challenge existing norms which define our everyday lives. A multi-disciplinary activation featuring art exhibits, workshops, panel discussions, live performances and heritage tours.

The Non Season pays homage to the iconic shopping precinct, Orchard Road, by celebrating its rich history as well as various communities and subcultures that have formed in spite of intense urban planning.

The spirit of The Non Season is embodied by the vast majority of brands in-store, in that they have already abandoned the seasonal fashion calendar to design and sell in structures of their own making.


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非季节:赵仁辉 ,


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