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群展 艺议艺术顾问画廊,新加坡
日期: 01.08, 2022 - 01.30, 2022

参展艺术家: TANG Da Wu 唐大雾 | 

Curatorial text by Ian Tee

With youth and its various associations as a curatorial framework, ‘We’re Young Once’ is an exhibition that gathers significant early works by Singapore artists across generations. For me, it is a show about the artistic journey and the fact that every artist begins from somewhere. By focusing on this formative period, I hope to propose a new lens to consider Singapore art history that upends conventional chronology and is also distinctly non-hierarchical.

At its core, ‘We’re Young Once’ is a show that explores what it means to be a young artist. I had two key criteria for artworks in the show. They need to be representative examples of the artist’s early practice, and speak to the theme of youth in general. Provenance is an important consideration in my selection process and each piece points to a significant milestone in the respective artist’s career.


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