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Group Exhibition ShanghART Singapore, Singapore
Date: 03.09, 2024 - 03.30, 2024

Artists: Apichatpong Weerasethakul 阿彼察邦·韦拉斯哈古 |  CHEN Wei 陈维 |  CHEN Xiaoyun 陈晓云 |  LIANG Shaoji 梁绍基 |  Melati SURYODARMO 麦拉蒂·苏若道默 |  TANG Maohong 唐茂宏 |  XU Zhen 徐震 | 

In response to the overarching project My boss told me to not do exhibitions, this exhibition centers around a principle that recalls of the nature of the project: inertia – albeit with a little wordplay.

The meaning of the term covers both a state of immobility and that of a superior force acting on the stagnation or mobility of a body. Transaction of Hollows, a performance by Melati Suryodarmo, embodies, among other things, the ins and outs of this term. A motionless arrow is suddenly propelled by the force of the artist towards a white wall, as are, to a certain extent, the works of art hanging on the picture rails. This is a new exhibition entitled 'Inartia', featuring works by Chen Xiaoyun, Chen Wei, Liang Shaoji, Melati Suryodarmo, Tang Maohong, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, and Xu Zhen®.
Sometimes they are objects that have ceased to function under the effect of time or force, like the lamppost photographed by Apichatpong Weerasethakul or the camera with its broken focus staged by Xu Zhen®; sometimes they are elements - captured by Chen Wei - which, by force of circumstance, have been transformed into something else, such as candles that have become wax again, boots onto which marine elements have been grafted - as if they had remained motionless in a marsh for too long, or metal chains covered in silk. Interpretation is free, but in the last work, by Liang Shaoji, can we not see the work of silkworms on man's industrial past and/or present? 

This inertia is also that of detachment, of the separation of body and soul, which by the force of things acts. Should we see Tang Maohong's pastel as a brain at rest? Or a brain in care? Reincarnated? Whatever the case, reflexive wandering can also be that of discovery, off the beaten track: Melati Suryodarmo's nocturnal escapades, where the sleepwalker has only to follow the red line, and chance finds - the work of Serendipity. All in an elusive state that resonates with Chen Xiaoyun's photograph Simple Peace without Explanation.

Curated by Zélie Chabert and put together with the help of Tian Lim and Joshua Kon.
This is the second exhibition under My boss told me to not do exhibitions.

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