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Titicara: Meruah
群展 Selasar Sunaryo 艺术空间,万隆,印度尼西亚
日期: 05.17, 2024 - 07.28, 2024

参展艺术家: Melati SURYODARMO 麦拉蒂·苏若道默 | 

Titicara began as an initiative between ISA Art and Design and Selasar Sunaryo Art Space in 2022. Titicara establishment started from two exhibitions that were held in the same year, Selected Women Artists by Syagini Ratna Wulan (Jakarta) and A Closer Look at Women Artists (Bandung).

Titicara: Meruah is the latest iteration of Titicara, a women artists exhibition that will be held from 17 May to 28 July 2024 at Selasar Sunaryo Art Space (SSAS). Curated by Yosefa Aulia, the exhibition features nine women artists from across generations: Dian Suci Rahmawati, Fiametta Gabriela, Hildawati Soemantri, Ipeh Nur, Kei Imazu, Liza Markus, Melati Suryodarmo, Nadya Jiwa Saraswati, and Ratu R. Saraswati.


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