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RijksakademieLIVE #4
Group Exhibition DasArts, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Date: 11.23, 2011 - 11.24, 2011

Artists: XU Zhen 徐震 | 

23 November RijksakademieLIVE #4 - 'Play: performance and the un-artist'
RijksakademieLIVE #4
Play: performance and the un-artist

Date: Wednesday November 23, 2011
Time: 8 PM
Location: DasArts, Mauritskade 56, Amsterdam
Entrance: free

Limited seating,

RijksakademieLIVE will be streamed live via the Rijksakademie website:

RijksakademieLIVE #4 focuses on performance, this year's emphasis during RijksakademieOPEN. Discussion and performances featuring at the 4th issue of RijksakademieLIVE evolve a.o. around the ideas of direct actions, re-enactment and dance.

The evening will start with a re-invention of Allan Kaprow's environment Words, in the form of a fictional conversation between a contemporary painter and the phantom of American artist Allan Kaprow, performed by former Rijksakademie residents Mark Boulos and Steve Van den Bosch. They talk about painting, the relationship between art & life, and the re-invention of ephemeral art forms such as environments and happenings. Philippe Pirotte will then conduct a conversation with Stephanie Rosenthal (Curator Hayward Gallery, London) who co-curated the retrospective Allan Kaprow - Art As Life in 2007. At the Hayward Gallery, she was also the curator of Move: Choreographing You and she prepares an exhibition on Chinese performance art next year. Former Rijksakademie resident Jimmy Robert will join the conversation to talk about the appropriation of structures of other artists, choreographers or writers in his performance and other work. The evening will be concluded by an invitation to the public to participate inPhysique of Consciousness, a cultural fitness, proposed by Shanghai-based MadeIn Company.

RijksakademieLIVE is a series of public events curated by Philippe Pirotte, advisor at the Rijksakademie, independent curator. Guests in the program are related to the Rijksakademie as alumni, (former) advisors. The event can also be followed via live streaming on the website.

Thanks to DasArts for hosting RijksakademieLIVE #4

Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten
Sarphatistraat 470
1018 GW Amsterdam
The Netherlands
T 0031-20 5270 300

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