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MadeIn Company
Solo Exhibition Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai
Date: 11.17, 2012 - 01.02, 2013

Artists: XU ZHEN 徐震

Duration: November 17, 2012 to January 2, 2013
Opening: Saturday, November 17, 2012, 15:00
Curated by: GUO Xiaoyan
Location: Minsheng Art Museum, Bldg. F, No. 570 Huaihai (W) Rd, 200052 Shanghai
TEL: +86 21 62828729 FAX: +86 21 62829129

From November 17, 2012 to January 2, 2013, “MadeIn Company” will partly relocate in the Minsheng Art Museum, entirely revealing its practice. During this period, MadeIn Company’s office, including research and administration department as well as Art-Ba-Ba working area, exhibition space, production rooms will all move to the museum. Employees will carry on their daily work, creating and producing under the eyes of viewers.

Established in 2009, this famous contemporary art creation corporate has become a real company, a social machine with all the complexity it implies, a multi-event, multi-production that continuously raises new topics. MadeIn Company became a certain art phenomena, a “social installation”, whose real structure and practice will be directly experimented by the public. For two months, an interface will be created within this context between the company and the spectators, results of this interaction will be discovered after the opening.

MadeIn Company was established in 2009 in Shanghai by Xu Zhen, it is a contemporary art creation company, focused on the production of creativity, and devoted to the research of contemporary culture’s infinite possibilities.

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