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Tumbler. , Indie Print in China
Group Exhibition Chinese Arts Centre, Manchester, U.K.
Date: 05.09, 2013 - 06.01, 2013

Artists: XU Zhen 徐震 | 

Exhibition: 9th May – 1st June 2013
Preview: Thu 9 May 2013, 5.30 - 7.30pm
One-day Symposium: Thu 9 May 10am - 5pm

Tumbler. indie print in China is a pop-up bookstore-cum-exhibition presented by 3030Press. It will showcase approximately 50 independent art books and ‘zines produced in China over the past couple of years produced by more than 20 artists, design studios and small publishers in Mainland China.

The publications will survey the range and character of selected self-published art books, from personal art projects and portfolios to general surveys and compilations, often produced in small print runs, sometimes by hand, for limited distribution and private sale.

Strict regulations apply to China’s publishing industry yet over the past half-decade self-publishing has become an increasingly popular strategy for young artists and designers seeking to bypass burdensome regulations and control the content of their work, creating an autonomous physical space, an “independent” space, under-the-radar and within the pages of independently produced books and ‘zines.

Tumbler. is created by 3030Press publishing, an independent art and design book publisher based in Hong Kong and Shanghai, China, founded by John Millichap. Many of the publications included in Tumbler. are also be available to buy at

Thursday 9 May 2013

In conjunction with the launch of the exhibition, there will be one-day symposium event ‘From Print to Publishing: The Changing Role of the Book in China & the UK’, bringing together professionals from the fields of publishing in China and the UK to discuss the changing character of print and art book publishing; the developing role of self-publishing and artists’ book initiatives, and the impact of online and digital media on the traditional art book publishing industry. In addition, the symposium will examine practical challenges facing foreign publishers attempting to enter the Mainland Chinese market.

The symposium will also include the first UK screening of the student documentary ‘Ba Bao Fan’, which highlights the work of three emerging photographers from Shanghai. The film is produced by 3030Press and students from China East Normal University, Shanghai, and is based on the upcoming publication New Photography in China 2 that will also be launched on the day, a survey of 30 young and emerging photographers from Mainland China.

The symposium day will run from 10am to 5pm at Chinese Arts Centre and is free to attend. It is organised in partnership with Comma Press, a Manchester-based publishing initiative dedicated to exploring both new and traditional ways of supporting the short story.

Friday 3 - Saturday 4 May 2013

Tumbler will also be on show as part of ‘Turn the Page: Artists Book Fair 2013 (TTP2013)’ from the 3-4 May, where John Millichap will give a talk on the work of Tumbler. during the afternoon of Saturday 4 May. In its second year, TTP2013 will showcase the work of 60 innovative UK and International book artists, providing an exhibiting and selling platform for the contemporary book arts community, embracing all modes of book production and dissemination, whilst fostering the preservation of traditional skills such as printmaking, letterpress, paper making and bookbinding. An eclectic mix of fine press limited editions, sculptural and altered books, zines and book related film will be exhibited alongside book installations and multiples.

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