Opening: 17:00-19:00, Fri, Sept. 26, 2014
Duration: Sept 27– Nov 28, 2014, Daily 11:00 -18:00, Close on Mondays
Venue: Chronus Art Center, 101, building 18, No.50 Moganshan Road, Putuo District, Shanghai
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Hu Jieming’s kinetic installation, Tai Chi , is presented in the second half of the exhibition. This ar tifact is as large as life, combining mechanical techniques and those of remote interaction, resembling a skeleton-like creature. Hu installed 108 projectors directly onto the body of the artwork,while some of the digitally rendered visual materials are beamed onto the other end of the limbs made to resemble bones; by bringing signifier ( the beamer ) and signified ( the surface) close together, Hu doesn’t intend to make Tai Chi a well-developed mechanism of communication. What is at stake is that it becomes a more or less obscure self-referential system,providing a different atmosphere in which to view the images compared to Overture ’s, and that Hu’s gesture of juxtaposing the analogical limbs with the digital images points to the notion of mediality, drif ting away from an understanding of it as cutting- edge into a contemplation that goes beyond merely a sense of contemporaneity.