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Don’t Shoot the Painter , UBS Art Collection Exhibition
Group Exhibition Villa Reale's Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Milan, Italy
Date: 06.17, 2015 - 10.04, 2015

Artists: LIU Weijian 刘唯艰 |  WEI Guangqing 魏光庆 |  XU Zhen 徐震 |  ZHANG Enli 张恩利 | 

Date(s) - 17 Jun 2015 - 04 Oct 2015
9:30 am - 7:30 pm

A great exhibition selecting the masterpieces of the UBS Art Collection from the ‘60s until today. The UBS Art Collection consists of over 35,000 objects and includes thousands of contemporary works by artists ranging from the newest emerging talents to some of the most important artists of the last 50 years, such as Hiroe Saeki, and some of the most important artists of the past 50 years, such as Anish Kapoor or Thomas Ruff. It reflects the many paths UBS’s business has taken as it has grown to become one of the world’s largest financial institutions. This esteemed and globally diverse corporate art collection incorporates key works from around the world – mirroring the businesses that have become a part of UBS.

The artworks will be presented for the first time to the Italian public in the beautiful halls of Galleria d’Arte Moderna (GAM), i.e. Modern Art Gallery.

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