Teetering at the Edge of the World looks at how the process of storytelling can potentially question and shift mainstream perspectives of the world we collectively share. By analyzing how the subjective experience of a narrator communicates an individual perspective on which audiences can reflect or react, the unseen rhythms of life that inform our memories and emotional experiences in the world are revealed to us.
Locality, defined by physicality and esthetic of place rather than nationalistic ideology or ethnic origin, is that which engenders the form of these narratives. Despite modern shifts towards a global uniformity, a sense of place is maintained by including local references as a means to authentically access the story’s myth, ultimately allowing interpretations to be made within the confines of one’s own life experience. Surveying processes of storytelling, including video, photography, performance, installation, film, music and books, Teetering at the Edge of the World looks at how artists living, working or originating from China internalize their subjective experiences in a place that is contemporary China, translating and offering them as an encoded references from which others can learn.