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2016-09-28 15:46


Opening: March 9th, 2015, 16:00-18:00
Duration: March10th to March 22nd, 2015,11:00-18:00
Venue: ShanghART Beijing, No. 261 Cao Chang Di, Old Airport Rd., Chaoyang District
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ShanghART Beijing is pleased to present ZENG FANZHI THE LOUVRE PROJECT, the first exhibition of ShanghART Beijing in 2015, from March 9th to March 22nd, 2015. It will be the first solo exhibition of ZENG Fanzhi in China Mainland in recent 5 years.

This exhibition project of Zeng Fanzhi in Louvre Museum in 2014 came from a meeting in Hong Kong between Zeng and Henri Loyrette - then the director of Louvre Museum. They were congenial to share a vision of organizing  an exhibition together to encourage  more discussions about "classical art and contemporary art". Soon after that, the artist created From 1830 till Now from No.1 to No.4 - a set of four individual pieces for this exhibition. Finally the No.4 was elaborately selected to be displayed in Denon Hall  which dedicates to Romanticist art. The No.4 was juxtaposed with Eugène Delacroix’s Liberté guidant le people and other masterpieces of romanticism profoundly presenting dialogues between east and west, contemporary art and classical art. Only the No.4 had been exhibited in Louvre Museum, the remaining three from the series  had never been away from the artist and exposed to the public. Being a precious opportunity, ZENG FANZHI THE LOUVRE PROJECT in ShanghART Beijing shows the entire series  of From 1830 till Now. This is the first time for these four works to be  shown together in one exhibition. Audiences can deeply feel the dynamic evolution of a creative thought  in every stage of creation, how the artist continued to break through and present us his in-depth contemplation on themes such as “dialogue between classicism and contemporary”, history, time and freedom.  

From 1830 till Now is a set of four individual pieces, all of the 4 pictures from No. 1 to No. 4 are based on Liberté guidant le people, but in different editions and variations, which shows Zeng's thinking and interactions toward art history as a contemporary artist. Zeng first saw the coloured illustration of Liberté guidant le people in a school textbook in the mid-1980s. He remained deeply fascinated with the piece throughout his school days and, when visiting the Louvre for the first time some 10 years later, in 1995, he found the original Liberté guidant le people  the most striking artwork in the museum. Throughout the years, Zeng's affection to Liberté has stayed true, he is always fascinated by the complex, epical composition and the intense emotional charge in the colours and brush strokes, but it was the striking image of the nude Liberty in the piece that affected him the most. The free use of the body to express her impassioned feelings, the most consummate apotheosis of "liberty", resonated deeply with Zeng's conscious pursuit for "creative freedom" in his youth, this is the foundation of all Zeng's works today. From 1830 till Now could be regarded as a significant signpost  in Zeng's oeuvre , offering us a fresh approach  for interpreting his works.

Zeng Fanzhi was born 1964 in Wuhan . He graduated from Hubei Institute of Fine Arts in 1991. Zeng Fanzhi works and lives in Beijing today. He has been exhibited widely in major art agencies both at home and abroad, such as Musée d’Art Moderne de la ville de paris; Louvre Museum; Shanghai Art Museum; National Art Museum of China; Kunst Museum Bonn, Bonn, Germany; Arts Santa Monica, Barcelona, Spain and Hong Kong Arts Centre. His recent solo exhibition include: Zeng Fanzhi, THE LOUVRE PROJECT, ShanghART Beijing(2015); Zeng Fanzhi, Louvre Museum, Paris, France(2014); Zeng Fanzhi, Musée d’Art Moderne de la ville de paris, France(2013); Zeng Fanzhi, Gagosian Gallery, London, UK(2012); Zeng Fanzhi, The Rockbund Art Museum, Shanghai(2010);Zeng Fanzhi, the first solo in America, Acquavella Gallery, New York, USA(2009); Narcissus looks for Echo-Zeng Fanzhi Suzhou Exhibition, Suzhou Museum,Suzhou, China(2009); Tai Ping You Xian, ShanghART Beijing, Beijing, China(2008); Zeng Fanzhi- Idealism, Singapore Art Museum, Singapore(2007).


Related Artists: ZENG FANZHI 曾梵志

Related Exhibitions:

Zeng Fanzhi: The Louvre Project 03.09, 2015


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