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苏畅《洞》展览现场 | ShanghART WeChat
2024-12-10 18:17



"If we exclude the definition of art space, this place is more like a factory church left over from Shanghai's modern industry period. The utilitarian roof made of angle irons and wood panels is no less intricate than Gothic church spires. And the white walls cut off you from the distractions of outside world , deriving your stream of consciousness upwards, and this process is emphasised by the stairs at the entrance. When it is quiet enough, indoors you can hear the reverberation of the traffic on the inner ring highway vibrating constantly between buildings. You will find this humming background noise throughout the city. It travels through windows and falls on sculptures following the sunlight, spreading out like ripples stirred up by rain, colliding back and forth between the sculptures and melting into their plaster surfaces.


To strengthen your connection to the city, I have tried to not use artificial light, as the sculpture comes to life with the change of day and night, and even the dimness of the evening enhances the volume of the sculpture and makes it heavier. If you be patient and stay for a little longer, it will let your body relax. I made the works larger and denser in this not-so-spacious gallery, forcing you to sense while walking among them, so it is hard to have an overall perspective, and the sculptures are reorganized as you move around. Maybe you can try to close your eyes and move a few steps slowly, you may find that you can still "see" the sculptures. Through the simple language of sculpture, you can breathe with their ebb and flow in the soft, emotionally charged, wordless song of the city. No need to associate anything, no need to look for a destination, just relax and enjoy the moment."

Su Chang


As the first exhibition of ShanghART M50 in 2021, and also the first show of artist Su Chang with the gallery, "Hole" was officially opened on March 18th. The artist has been working in the exhibition hall for more than two months, and now his large-scale sculptures are ready to face with audiences.

图片致谢zhu yumin

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To provide a better viewing experience, this exhibition is open by appointment only starting 19 March. Please schedule your visit via the link below.


Su Chang: Hole

展期 | Duration

2021/03/18 – 05/16

周三 – 周日 Wed. - Sun.  11:00-18:00

地点 | Location


ShanghART M50, Bldg 16, 50 Moganshan Rd., Putuo District, Shanghai

点击导航 香格纳M50

▼ 相关阅读 ▼

香格纳M50 | 3月18日,欢迎来到苏畅的“洞”

香格纳M50 | 苏畅:唤醒潜意识中身体的“观看”

▼关于艺术家 ▼

苏畅,1985 年出生并成长于上海。他坚定地使用雕塑语言并以此作为自己艺术实验的载体。对雕塑内在性的重新理解和独立实践贯穿了持续不断的工作。他希望以简单的日常视觉元素为基础,消化并产生新的语言。并用这些作品审视着在面对公共性和个人焦虑的交错中人在其中的徘徊,及这种模糊的行为在心理上书写下的痕迹。

近期个展包括:“雕塑实验”西岸博览会特展单元,上海(2020);“一个临时空间”,四方当代美术馆项目空间,上海(2018);“出口”,广东美术馆,广州(2018);“呼吸”,AIKE,上海(2017);“小径”,东画廊,上海(2015)。近期主要群展包括:“EXIT PLAN”,SNAP艺术中心,上海(2019);“秘径通幽”,Peres Projects,柏林,德国(2019);“Why White”,小美术馆,上海(2018);“原素”,复星基金会ANNEX艺术空间,上海(2018);“上海星空II”,余德耀美术馆,上海(2017);“我们:一个关于中国当代艺术家的力量”,chi K11美术馆,上海(2016)。


Related Artists: SU CHANG 苏畅

Related Exhibitions:

Su Chang: Hole 03.18, 2021


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