ShanghART Gallery 香格纳画廊

free-standing sculpture
Toughened Glass

Shao Yi’s recent works mainly focus on the discovery and the use of materials, just as like his spontaneous meditation. Beginning of 2011, the artist purchased a piece of safety glass, smashed it into small pieces and started his new series of works, including 12x12x12, Hong, Parabola and so forth. Shao Yi produces these geometrical patterns or words, starting from a single point, an angle or for example from details of a particular side. The pieces of glass are extended on other edges and sides, presenting various forms at each step. A square and a cube, for instance, are both part of the same process but show different physical states, at different moment. Crystal and blunted pieces of glass are compressed against each other, creating a new face completely distinct from what they used to be. With safety glass, the artist attempts to reveal the illusionary nature of the world.

Related Exhibitions:
A Pile of Passion, ShanghART Main Space, Shanghai 02.17, 2011 -03.24, 2011