ShanghART Gallery 香格纳画廊

Xin Cun
2005 ~ 2007
B&W chromogenic print
Framed size

From 2005 to 2007, Bird Head photographed a lot about xincun (also known as new village). Born and bred in Shanghai, the artists witnessed the process from the time when xincun was authentically new (as the name indicated) to the time when old communities remained only habitually called Xincun by local residents. Carrying childhood memory, however, xincun that was nostalgically familiar to Bird Head was not capable of escaping from replacement as transition construction in development of this city. In 2006, the artists published their album entitled Xincun, with all the photos presented in temporal order, “winter – spring – summer – autumn – winter”, to trace the steps with which Xueye Xincun was demolished for World Expo Park Construction. The pictures in the exhibition today all come from Xincun.
The artists have displayed their works in Artist File 2011 the NACT Annual Show of Contemporary Art (2011, National Art Center, Tokyo, Japan) and the 54th Venice Biennale (2011, Venice, Italy) and so on.

Related Exhibitions:
Growing Up, Shanghai World Financial Center, Shanghai 10.25, 2011 -11.02, 2011