ShanghART Gallery 香格纳画廊

On the Way
Single-Channel Video
3 minutes 52 seconds

The video starts with black picture gradually covered by 2x2cm squares. After a shot pause, the whole picture zoom out from abstract color pieces to smaller mosaic and step by step turns into an entire composition in the vision effect. Taking place of the mosaic, parallel tracks viewed through the raindrop window which is focused for a while before the retrogradation happens and decomposed into pixels which we saw at the beginning. This film is part of an event titled “Parallel” in Hangzhou China.

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Related Exhibitions:
Motion is Action, By Art Matters, Hangzhou 09.22, 2023 -02.25, 2023
V&P, ShanghART Beijing, Beijing 12.20, 2014 -02.28, 2015
Wu Zhi, Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai 09.07, 2012 -10.12, 2012