ShanghART Gallery 香格纳画廊

Untitled - Song of The Lakebed
single-channel video
Color and Sound
7 minutes 10 seconds

When I travel in Geneva, I caught sight of a swan by Lake Geneva. The swan dipped its head into the lake over and over again in search of food, and a while later raised up to inspect its surroundings. This scene reminded me of a repetitive movement during my creation. Therefore, I intentionally projected the swan’s each plunge into the lakebed onto this film, and mixed it with video and audio materials I have collected while travel in different places. It might be a tune (“Mr. Sandman”) played on a loop in an elevator at a certain art museum, a scene taken at a bar in Los Angeles Chinatown, a seagull diving underneath the San Francisco Bridge, the window scenery I shot while riding Shinkansen from Tokyo to Atami, or the view and sound taken at the Central Park of Chiang mai Moat. Thus, I have projected onto this swan as an artist, the capture of raw materials, the repeated test of my inspiration, as well as my thinking, gesture, and posture. Like what I wrote for the beginning of the film, “The moment is again and again/ Raise the head and look/ Or explore and silence.”

Detail pictures:

Related Exhibitions:
Re-projecting: One or Many Roles, OCT Contemporary Art Terminal (OCAT Xi’an), Xi’an 03.21, 2015 -05.17, 2015
Perched In the Eye of A Tornado, Ying Space, Beijing 03.08, 2015 -04.12, 2015