ShanghART Gallery 香格纳画廊

Eternal Rays of The Sun
oil on canvas
195(H)*133cm 5 pieces

Eternal Ray of the Sun
It is obvious that the work is fused with the elements of the “cultural revolution.” The portrait of Chairman Mao and the radiating shine were ubiquitous during the “cultural revolution.” Although today it is unbearable to recall the past, the special period of history still haunts us. The artist said that the work was made for the Venice Biennale in 1993. In the middle part of the painting, he copied the patterns from the old 10-yuan paper money. He arranges the five circles that gradually emerges the icons of workers, peasants, soldiers, students, businessman and minority people. But today these representatives in front of the People’s Hall could hardly be viewed as serene and pious.

Detail pictures:

Related Exhibitions:
Wu Zhi, Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai 09.07, 2012 -10.12, 2012

Related Texts:
Calvino's "honest man", you do not understand Geng Jianyi , Cao Junjie TEXT 2012-09-01