'Where are you coming from?'
'I come from nowhere, I have nowhere to go. '
'Oh really?'
(D'ou venez-vous? - Je viens de nulle part, je n'ai nulle part ou aller. -
Ah bon?)
"I am no where from and no where out" This is exactly the "reality" that expressed by XX in this era. But I don't agree with such illusionary reeality. If he hasn't seen an angel, then how I can find him as an angel. Is this true? Surely not.
"I don't know from where I come or where I am going.' It is this kind of "reality" of the 21st Century that Courbet was pointing to. However I tend to disagree with such illusionary "realism". He didn't see an angel. Me neither. Can anyone? Of course not (ZHOU Tiehai).
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