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The History of Etiquette


Born in the late 1960s, Shao Yi also studied at Hangzhou Academy. Shao Yi, like most people of his generation, has watched as people become more and more alone, cut off from traditional family ties, living in anonymous apartment blocks, shopping incognito in supermarkets and malls, hemmed into a virtual world where the TV and the internet are one's only companions. "Plug In" is a map on canvass of city buildings and how they interconnect. The result is a lifeless system of electrical wires and concrete buildings like a switchboard or an architectural model. Where are the city's inhabitants? Or is it just a ideal city, uninhabited?

The second work is a series of people in uniform photographed after having imbibed ≥80mg/100ml of alcohol. These people have a distinct social etiquette as members of, for instance, the police force. However, the fact that they are inebriated has distorted their social image. They have transgressed the uniform and assumed their own identity as individuals. Who are we? Are we products of what we do, of our work? Or are we individuals with joys and sorrows? Who are we when we take off the uniform?

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Related Exhibitions:
The History of Etiquette


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