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Some sentences about the exhibition on September 12th

Author: Song Tao 2003

Yesterday afternoon, when I was working on the frames for my certificates of merit, the gallery called me, and asked me to write something about this exhibition.

At 2:30 p.m. Today, Li Qing and I got onto a taxi.  The Nanpu Bridge was as jammed as usual. At 2:50 p.m., due to the construction at the cross of Xujiahui Road and North-south Viaduct, I had a little dispute with the taxi driver on which way we should take.  At 2:52 p.m., urged by road and civil construction workers, we unloaded the speakers and the power amplifier in a hurry.  I tried to call the boss of Luwan Labor's Cultural Palace, but no one answered.  We carried the speakers and the power amplifier into the building, but the staff in Luwan Labor's Cultural Palace told us, impatiently, that the boss was not there, and asked us to continue to call.  I was put through, and the boss said that he would come in a few minutes.  I called Chen Hao, who told me that he was shopping for video and audio lines and would come here as soon as he picked up the paint sprayer.  One hour later, there came an employee, who helped us to move the speakers and the power amplifier to the contest stage.

We waited another while, but the boss was still out of our sight.  The gallery called again, asking me if I finished that article.  I said no, and I was going to write it tonight.  I said sorry because probably I couldn't make it very long.  And the Gallery said, "Please, please finish it tonight, because tomorrow will be the deadline." I promised that I would send it by email as soon as I finished, and that I would not miss the deadline. Then we started to play video games, while waiting for the boss.  After another half an hour, the boss was still missing.  But Chen Hao came, with lines and paint sprayer.  We played another half an hour of games, and went to Small Chili Restaurant for our dinner.  When dining, the boss called, stating that he would arrive at 7 or 8 o'clock.  After dinner, we went to upstairs to continue our games.  I fell asleep at 8 o'clock, thinking about the article about this exhibition in my dreams.  At 8:30p.m., the boss was late again, so we wondered in the game room, tokens at hands.  The boos arrived at 9:30p.m..  We had made an appointment at 3:30 p.m. today, to set up the contest stage and to test audio equipments and video wiring.  But the boss asked me to come at 9:30 p.m. Tomorrow night, and he promised that he would set up the contest stage according to our requirements.  We spent another ten minutes to describe our expected contest stage in our mind, and went home afterwards.  On the way back home, I was eager to write this article.  I arrived home at 10:30 p.m., and started to write this.  Now, it is done.

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