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A Short Text about Ji Wenyu

from "Infinite Painting - Contemporary Painting and Global Realism" Author: Francesco Bonami & Sarah Cosulich Canarutto 2006

In the works of Ji Wenyu the scrutiny and analysis of the international market, consumerism and marketing's language merge with reference to art history and to the continual allusions to political events of our time. From globalization to the war in Iraq, from ingress to Mickey Mouse, the artist consciously reveals the swiftness of changes and interactions between the Eastern and Western world and studies the psychology of the average consumer to apply to his paintings the kitsch aesthetics of contemporary materialism. In Happy, food products, skyscrapers, technologies and decoration motifs from the Chinese tradition cohabit in a deliberate process of cultural analysis with the aim of generating a pop, sparkling and congested universe on canvas.

Like an ironic greeting card or the trick of a jester, the work celebrates the "blessings" of progress and consumerism by revealing their secrets symbols and iconographies.

Related Artists:
Related Works:
JWY93- Happy
Related Exhibitions:
Infinite Painting


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