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Author: HU Jieming 2008

This work is motivated by the original thought between urban space and people, which runs along with time and memory factors. The scene appears on the photograph is not chosen at random, the first is intergretate point with history, reality and the visual extension, which can pass through several historical stages. The second is a height of visual to be spread and from top with a mean of look. The third is the character, I hope that this person related to me, as a continuity factor. I was obsessed with looking down from the roof top, without knowing what have tangled me, what I have remembered that nice aimlessly looked, memory aspect finally made the work, and replace myself with my on the originally position there. I gazed behind this scene: my son standing on the  roof of colonial architecture, overlooks the construction site, the glass curtained wall, the Huangpu River, streets, vehicles and......Memory, time, extension, city and the people who live in them.

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