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The Half Hitching Post


An Sai, Shanbei,
An isolated village on the Loess Plateau, Northern China.
Two young outsiders are moving in,
While two young locals are struggling to escape.
Comes into view a donkey full of luggage,
Comes also into view a young couple,
He carries her on a bike...

Two young people in the city carry their baggage. They don't want to do anything. They just want to leave the city, the noise and the disturbance.

They want to seek for the life which they expected for so long and truly belong to them.  So they come to the mountain where there are few people.

Two young people in the village work hard on the mountain everyday. They can only see the loess and the blue sky. Their life is dull day after day and never changes. They want to leave the simple and poor place and expect the bustling life in the city. For there, many people walk back and forth. Various lights are shining.

So maybe an old man, a donkey and a couple ever met on the narrow road of the strange huge mountain.

Meanwhile, the same place for different people may be their Heaven and also can be their inferno.

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