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hipic help


Why should I upload my pictures on Hipic?
Hipic is a great resource of entertainment.

1. The upload failed?
Your picture's format is incompatible, or your files are too large resulting to the failure. We recommend you to upload pictures smaller than 5 MB.
2. Upload impossible?
Go to "Create your Hipic ID" and sign in. Make sure your computer is connected to internet.
3. No full-screen display?
The size of your screen is 1024 x 768, please press the F11 key of your keyboard.
4. I can't find my uploaded pictures in my own user space?
The Hipic control system can only save up to 100 pictures per user, once this quota is reached, the last 100 uploaded pictures will replace the previous ones.
5. Pictures are not synchronized, or take more than 30 seconds to appear?
This can only be due to your internet connection.  
6. Where do my pictures go afterwards?
They are forever stocked in the Hipic storage system.
7. Will Hipic make use of these pictures?
All rights of the pictures are reserved to their authors. Hipic won't make use of the pictures, out of the 30 seconds display, without the author's permission.
8. Impossible to sign in?
You should change your internet connection.
9. Who the pictures' copyrights belong to?
All copyrights are reserved to the pictures' authors.
10. A red cross appears instead of the picture?
A user sent an image of a red cross, or the pictures can't be displayed because of internet connection issues. You should definitely change your internet connection.
11. Sudden black screen?
A user posted a black image, or check whether your screen or your computer are well plugged.
12. Can't sign out from Hipic?
Continue to upload images until you sign out.
13. Why aren't my uploaded images displayed?
A. Your pictures didn't pass the censorship because they contain sensitive, political or sexual topics.
B. The large amount of pictures are diffused according to the uploading order, please be patient.
C. A problem related to the internet connection occured: please refresh your computer.
D. If the same picture is posted twice, Hipic won't allow its diffusion.
E. In fact, your pictures have already been displayed but you missed it.
14. I inadvertently uploaded a private picture, is it possible to delete it?
15. Why is my picture askew?
Please rotate your picture before uploading it.  
16. Can I upload a jpg file infected by a virus?
Hipic reserves the rights to legally ask for large compensations.
17. Is it possible to download the pictures displayed on Hipic?
18. I inadvertently uploaded a secret picture can I delete it?
19. Can I make a copy of the screen?
You can, if you privately use Hipic's pictures, however, Hipic reserves the rights to legally ask for large compensations.


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