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Response to a Conversation with Paul Gladston

Author: Liang Shaoji Translator: Sujing XU 2007-10-09

I like the works by Nietzsche, he said, god is dead.

I like General Relativity by Albert Einstein. He found the order of the chaos universe. That's a beauty of number, nature and art.

I like Wolfgang Laib who lives super-naturally and super-religion with few social contacts and collects pollen in the field.

I like the lead book created by Anselm Kiefer which showed his deep thought about the human civilization.

I like the solitary and cold fantastic artistic conception in works of Chu Ta (1626-1705, a famous Chinese poet and painter during the Ming and Qing dynasty) and Alberto Giacometti. There is full of poetry in Chu Ta's painting while Giacometti showed the space constraint by slim and degraded figures. The previous one showed the elegant strength with loose composition and on the contrary, the latter made a tight one to show the force of gathering, smashing and rebounding.

I like the clay sculpture of virgin boys and girls in Maiji Mountain. Their vivid charm would never in the shade of Monalisa's secret smile.

I much prefer to create a universe for my soul, to pursue my thought, and the foot of my activity and my life since art is no more than a release of human against the natural perception and a heaven of relax the individual.

In the process of created the work Nature Series, I regard the breaking in with silkworms as seeking an eye into the universe, an experiment which combined the god and human, a recognition of science, history and the society. The ancient famous Taoist Zhuang Zi once said there's no high and low between things (On the Equality of All Things). Reading the world of silkworms is just like interpretation the kingdom of humanity. To treasure all things means to cherish ourselves.

When the fruit of art creation can not explain the author's object and wisdom, the process and conception will take the place of it. In Nature Series, the rolling life nirvana of the silkworms opened up a boundless space. The process was much more important that the result. The reason why creation of Nature Series could last for 20 years is that it gradually becoming a progress of understanding my life, a part of my life. It is a monument for my life, my determination, my faith and belief. And I am a silkworm.

The universal circle of life is the first nature. Art is the second.

All the things that disobey the life and law of motion are unnatural. For science should be the way and tool for human to discover nature and live with it, but not the mean to force and aggress it. Anything that overrides the life is anti-science and anti-nature. The creation of Nature Series is based on a research of bombycology and physiotechnology, and expanding from the view of biophysiography to discover the new version of bio-art.

In ancient China, the movement of cosmic inventory was called Qi (gas). Lao-tzu (a Chinese philosopher in the Spring and Autumn period) once said, One begets Two, Two begets Three, Three begets all things, All things carry the female and embrace the male. And by breathing together, they live in harmony. Actually, the silkworm spinning, even its whole life is a kind of Qi, a kind of breathing and force of life. I made my fist solo exhibition named by Cloud is just because of this: life, change, freedom, surpassing and gandhabba.

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