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Yang Fudong: Seven Intellectuals in Bamboo Forest Part 1-5


The film 'Seven Intellectuals In Bamboo Forest' is based on the history of
seven talented intellectuals from the ancient Chinese Wei and Jin Dynasties. Ruan
Ji, Ji Kang, Shan Tao, Liu Ling, Ruan Yan, Xiang Xiu and Wang Rong were
famous poets and artists at that time. Open and unruly, they used to
gather and drink in the bamboo forest, singing songs and playing
traditional Chinese musical instruments, in the hope of escaping from earthly
life. They pursued individuality, freedom, and liberty. Their remarkable
talent and passion made them a notable group in Chinese history.

Part 1 is about their trip to the Yellow Mountain. The 7 young people are greatly touched by the beautiful scenery. All kinds of thoughts about life come to them.
35mm black and white film transferred to DVD, 29min, 2003-5

Part 2 exposes closed city life in a noisy metropolis, such as Shanghai. The 7 young people live in the city, but seem to have little connection with the city.
35mm black and white film transferred to DVD, 46 min, 2004

In Part 3 these 7 young people try to change their identity and have a different life. They choose to live in China's Southwestern villages, where they can get closer to nature, and to their own hearts.
35mm black and white film transferred to DVD, 53 min, 2006

Part 4 is about the idea of living on an island with no one else, avoiding the hustle and bustle of the busy metropolis. In Chinese legend, there is an island of Peach Blossoms - the very ideal place to live, where one's thoughts can fly freely.
35mm black and white film transferred to DVD, 70 mins, 2007

Part 5 is about the return to the city and to reality. We live in the city and belong to it. If any problem arises, we are able to solve it.
35mm black and white film transferred to DVD, 90 mins, 2007

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