About <<Several Dusks / Lili's afternoon>> photo, 2002

'Several Dusks' is the title for a series of photographs i am planing to realize over time. An 'Afternoon of Lili' is one part of this series. The story of Lili might continue, beyond this fixed frame. Yet we maybe wont find Lili in the future, Lili may be also only a made-up feature, or Lili may be just among the people on the picture. I don’t know who Lili is, but I wanted to catch her smell, which existed in this fading afternoon... Thus I took this break of time, like a wound, quietly healed in slight pain.

Do not try to focus on color and composition, or find out where the image is taken. It is only a dusk, some people, pale, passing by. Some Dusk, extending to depth ….

--Liang Yue

About the works <<Will the Weather be fine tomorrow…>> (video, 2001)

I think it is my imagination caused by some images that I paid a lot of attention to, which is relative to my personal life during that time. Unable to speak, in a dizzy situation, quietly listening and constantly watching, all those people that I have seen and heard were presented in symbols. Their heat gradually decreased, keeping the world extremely peaceful and calm. Maybe it is because my body was still longing for warmth, my image in imagination scattered to look for my heart. The vibration in the air made me feel that the world is still true in a nearby space, but when I reach out, I can touch nothing ….

--Liang Yue