In early 2002, the British government permitted a couple to "customize" an infant, and to use the stem cells of this baby to cure a patient who suffered from Mediterranean anemia. Human beings are changing the purpose of creating life from life-creating to other "usage". But that is not the point, what will really resonate are the after effects that will come when human being encounter butterfly, fish or any other creature, and the attitude of human being facing this. The enchantment of butterfly and fish is that they can enable human being to have a "shake", remove their long history, and tear down their dignity. It doesn't seem? So harmonious to equal human being to other species, our arrogant way of writing, our vertically walking etc. are all beyond the tolerance of living things. As long as human being can treat their lives as dispensable goods, they have no reason to refuse to let their genome encounter butterflies or fish's. Though the realization of this kind of encounter depends mostly on chances, they are absolutely not ruthless mixing-up. Mr. Jones, professor of London University, once said "the evolution of human kind has already find its end", that suggested it's the time human being should retreat from the current position in biology. Human-fish crossbreeds or human-butterfly crossbreeds have no past, they are pure and beautiful; human-fish crossbreeds or human-butterfly crossbreeds will add many magic experiences to this world.