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卡蒂娅·马西埃尔 (Katia Maciel, b.1963) & 安德列·帕伦特 (André Parente)
4 minutes 13 seconds

Contorno (Outline) (installation performance and 4’30’video, 2011)
The artists Katia Maciel and André Parente make the outline of themselves producing a continuous drawing, reproducing their movement as a live cinema. That work deals with drawing, video and installation issues. We are able to see, in real time, the image capture and its projection, the couple being multiplied in front of us.
This work approaches the idea of multiplicity within the couple. One tends to be multiple of oneself in order to be in relation with the other. Katia Maciel and André Parente have independent works, but they are building together a series of videos and installations having the relationship as subject and the mathematics as form. They already accomplished  Dança das cadeiras (2007), +2 (2008), Pontes de árvores (2012), Rodopio (2012), works related with mathematical  operations, as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. On those videos, the artists perform simple actions, as many ways of seeing a couple.
In that series the action indicates the use of the concept of measure and time on the body projected into architectures and landscapes .The body is not the measure of everything, the body expresses the meaning of being a couple and all  the  problems  between one and two together.
Contorno is the first installation performance done by Katia Maciel and André Parente. They combine in front of the public one action and its repetition as a reproduction device. On that piece we cannot split the technology from the gesture, or the moment from its future, on the contrary, we all testify the vision of one becoming many.



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