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b. 1969, works and lives in Surakarta, Indonesia
20 minutes
Edition of 1 + 1AP

In the performance, Melati walks into the space towards the blocks of butter placed on the dance carpet that was prepared earlier. She stands with her back towards the audience, then turns to the front and step on the butter blocks. She starts to dance and let herself fall; she tries to stand up. This process repeats until she eventually loses her energy. Taking off her shows, she stands up slowly and leaves the space.

Melati was inspired by the concept of 'time', especially how the human body relates to its biological, psychological and physical 'time'. She believes that everything happening in this world does not stop, even when one is dead. What one can do to deal with it is to adjust our body to the concept of 'time', whether it is physical or biological. The artist was interested in a specific moment in time, a moment when her body relates to a specific delicate moment - the moment before she falls down. This moment is where all her consciousness controls her body, but at the same time, the risks are unpredictable. She might lose control, however, what was important to her was the will to get up again. One's perception of pain is produced within their education and cultural environment, hence Melati believes that everybody perceives actions and images of this work in many different ways according to their individual backgrounds.

Related Exhibitions:
Melati Suryodarmo: Why Let the Chicken Run?, Museum MACAN, Jakarta, Indonesia 02.28, 2020 -11.14, 2021
Taiping Tianguo, Parasite and Spring Workshop, Hongkong 2012
Lilith Performance event, Lilith Performance Studio, Malmoe, Sweden 2010
Momentum, Le Bain Connective, Brussel, Belgium 2009
Kunstbanken, Kunsthalle, Hamar, Norway 2009
“Flying Circus Project” – Travelogue – Superintense- Singapore- Ho Chi Minh City, Theatreworks, Singapore 2007
Exergie – Butter Dance, Goethe Institut, Jakarta, Indonesia 2006
Exergie-butter dance, Performance Space, Sydney, Australia 2006
Navigate – live art, BALTIC & Stubnitz, Gateshead Newcastle, UK 2005
15th International Electronic Art Festival – Video Brazil, Sao Paulo, Brazil 2005
7a*11d, Toronto, Canada 2004
4th International Performance Festival Odense, Odense 2003
Live Art brrr, Teatro Carlos Alberto/Teatro Nacional de São joão, Porto Portugal 2003
Polysonneries, 2nd International Performance Festival, Lyon, France “von weiß-rosa zu rot“, Luther Turm, Cologne 2001
Marking the territory, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, Ireland 2001
Festa dell´arte, Aquario diroma, Rome, Italy 2001
“Spot + Places“Performance Congress, Healing Theater, Cologne 2000
Visible Differences - an event, Hebbel Theater, Berlin 2000

Related Works:
Exergie - Butter Dance
Exergie - Butter Dance (Sao Paulo)
Exergie - Butter Dance


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