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b. 1971, works and lives in Shanghai
2013 ~ 2015
Films, Photographs, Paintings, Installations, multi media etc.

This is a plan for a film being shot between 2013 and 2015, though the duration may be longer. It is a story about the life of one girl. Her name is Masise, she played a role in two of my video works: ‘General’s Smile (2009)’ and ’The Fifth Night (2010)’. We are currently only acquaintances, but I’m curious of her studies in the field of professional performance, and I wonder how she has changed as an actress in daily life. I want to know all the thoughts and ideas of a TRUE actress, and what kind of furture her life holds. Meanwhile she will also play a new role in my new film. Between real life and true acting, there will be a lot of uncertainty in her future life. It is this kind of unknown life that makes us so full of expectations all the time.  
After I finished shooting the last part of ‘Seven Intellectuals in Bamboo Forests’ in 2007, I tried, for the most part, to shoot and present films in art space for a few years, which some called ‘Space Films’. I considered how to involve both regular shooting and formal ways of thinking during the filmmaking process into our work. But now, I want to try creating something with more flexibility and freedom.
‘About the Unknown Girl - Ma Sise’, showing in Lyon Biennale, will be the beginning of this art project. It is just like the preface of a book. And it may become a film in the future. As for me, I wish it will become an uncertain ‘free film’.  
Ma Sise. Full name is Ma Si She Zuo Wei (In Chinese). Born in Oct 1989 in Xichang, Yi Autonomous Prefecture of Liangshan, Sichuan province, China. Scorpio, actress, currently works and lives in Beijing.

Work list

Fifth Night-Photograph 180*120cm *1 piece
General’s Smile-Photograph 100*75cm *1 piece
Ma’s shooting in Northeast-35*23.3cm *11pieces
Project Poster *2versions
Installation: DA SAN XIAN (musical instrument)*1; umbrella*1; Chinese chess*1; stones*5; hat*1
Four videos: 1 special version from the fifth night; 2 special version from general’s smile; 1 from Ma’s shooting in Northeast

Detail pictures:

Exhibition View
11 small photos
Big photox2

Related Exhibitions:
About the Unknown Girl - Ma Sise, BAM project, BAM Rose Cinemas, New York, USA 12.12, 2013
La Biennale de Lyon 2013, Lyon, France 09.12, 2013 -01.05, 2014

Related Texts:
Words on the wall of Lyon Biennale Project , Yang Fudong TEXT 2013-08-30
About the Unknown Girl - Ma Sise - Yang Fudong Film Project , Yang Fudong TEXT 2013-08-31

Related Publication:
12e Biennale de Lyon

Related Works:
About the Unknown Girl - Ma Sise (CCA)
About the Unknown Girl - Ma Sise (Yuz)


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