ShanghART Gallery 香格纳画廊
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b. 1972, works and lives in Beijing
Cement sculpture
4 pieces  | Diameter:90.0 | Diameter:120.0 | Diameter:115.0 | Diameter:70.0

I have a habit of recording my ideas all the time, but I don’t see them as something that I must put into practice. As for me, it is more about to do what I can do first. Eventually, I will reach what I attempt anyway. I had been thinking of making UFO which might not actually exist. No one has ever seen it, but we all seemingly have some general understanding of it. Then I started to make moulds and to stir the cement. After a few days, I became more interested and bigger UFOs were born. They were too heavy that my assistant and I could not even turn them over. We made six in total until we ran out of cement. Later we found out that we couldn’t make more as there was neither exhibition nor place for them. Besides, I was about to move to new studio and I couldn’t carry more. They were lying outside of my studio, some of them are even broken. I want to make piles of UFOs in the future, if there is an appropriate occasion.

Detail pictures:

Related Exhibitions:
The Uncertain, or the Shelved..., ShanghART H-Space, Shanghai 07.16, 2016 -08.25, 2016

Related Works:
Unknown Flying-Sketch


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