The show "Volume" is displayed as one chapter from the series “Maximized Uniqueness”. At the same time, it maintains the labor attributes of this series. The artist Liu Yue has been working on the site in ShanghART Gallery M50 Space for one month and half. In the final exhibition hall, there are seven pieces of gypsum body with unknown sources and huge volume differences. Besides, the equal-sized flat figure corresponding to the largest surface of each gypsum body is recognizable on the wall surface. Each individual plaster in the M50 Space is derived from the former one's logic sample in body and space. Thus, the later one can always be embedded to the former one again, to recreate a complete corner. The stream of each piece exhibits a progressive relationship. Yet, when the two of them are inserted into each other, none of the other "volume" can be embedded anymore. The artist paves the way for this irreversible deduction, exhibiting an extreme pattern of copying, stacking and embedment. The on-site unit of the West Bund Art Fair will be the second fermentation of “Volume”. On the basis of the original seventh piece of gypsum body "Volume - ShanghArt M50 07", the artist will once again perform the dimension reduction and complexation that are not known at the end. With the West Bund on-site space as a “hub”, it opens and extends another ideal derivation of logic and experience.