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The Pumpkin Project , Li Shan & Zhang Pingjie Bio-Art Exhibition
Solo Exhibition ShanghART Main Space, Shanghai
Date: 11.24, 2007 - 12.10, 2007

Artists: LI Shan 李山

ShanghART Gallery
50 Moganshan Rd., Building 18, Shanghai
Reception: Saturday, November 24th 2007, 3-5pm
Date: Nov. 24th - Dec. 8th, 2007
Daily: 10am - 6 pm

Artists Statement:

Emerging in China, ‘Bio Art’ is created by artists cooperating with new partners, that is, scientists in laboratories.

Different from the biologists, the artists pay more attention on aesthetics – the change of the shape – instead of the transformation of internal structures. There are several species that could be created such as plants, animals and bacterium, which by now are already undergoing experiments in the labs following commissions by artists. Yet, we do not know for certain whether these plans are fruitful or not until the whole experiment finishes: The experiments need to develop for a generation or two. Via gene manipulation and reconstruction, the organisms germinate and mature.

There is common ground of all these projects that to make the new form of art by transforming and reconstruction the original genes artificially.

Pumpkin Project (2007) is one such experiment that could currently be realized under the guidance of a scientific specialist. It is both artificial and ecological. The essence of ‘Bio Art’ lays in the process of development, the exhibition being the climax of this process.

The altered biological evidences are amazing. The scientific technology is now used in both the applied transgenic products as well as in the aesthetics of ‘Bio Art’ work. Transforming the daily and edible plant itself is significant as well. It changes the relationship between human beings and other organisms, and it creates new spheres of art forms. We chose and treated the Bio Art work carefully. It involves notions of ecological balance and biological selection, as well as considerations towards society, morality and law.

Li Shan & Zhang Pingjie
Oct. 11

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