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Birdhead Solo Exhibition
Solo Exhibition Yifeng Galleria (Bottega Veneta), Shanghai
Date: 01.06, 2014 - 03.06, 2014

Artists: BIRDHEAD 鸟头

BIRDHEAD is an artist collective (Song Tao & Ji Weiyu), they both live and work in Shanghai.
Birdhead’s recent works are still in media of photograph, but generally showed in two ways to public. One presenting way is a huge wall full of hand-made photos, the accumulated energy of numerous photos turns out a strong power rushing to audience. The rambling-look photos with continuous visual screaming, thrilling, noisy and teasing become a big strike to the eyes and minds accustomed to the nice pictures. Another presenting way is more ‘impressionistic’, delicate framed photo was hanging on the wall separately, no matter the hand-made photo with great efforts or the delicate mix media frames, they are photographs with substance, they show the big attention Bird head pays to as well as the joyfulness when they were produced.

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