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The Heaven. The World

Photography video, installation solo show by Shi Yong. 2004

The personal exhibition of the Shanghai based artist Shi Yong will be held at the Shanghart Gallery in Fuxing Park (Part I: The Wolrd) and in the ShanghART Suzhoucreek Warehouse (Part II: The Heaven) in this 'bright and magnificent fall'. This will be a pretty complete exhibition for Shi Yong's works of the recent years.

The exhibition will consist of "The Heaven" and "The World"; "Part I: The World" will be shown at Shanghart Gallery in Fuxing Park and include video installation and photographic works. A simple inauguration will be held as well. The other part "The Heaven" will be exhibited in Shanghart Suzhou Creek warehouse, the huge lightening box and other devices with three to four meters height will be showed together with some large photography works.

"Shi Yong's works make wide use of irony and involves often people in the making, it becomes an entertaining and sharp tool that helps to perceive the speed of the stream of communication and growth of Shanghai, China today".

Shi Yong, born in Shanghai in 1963, graduated from the Fine Arts Department of Light Industrial School in 1985, lives and works in Shanghai. Shi Yong has shown widely in China (incl Shanghai Biennale 2002, ) and overseas (Boijmans Van Beuningen Museum, 2001, Biennale de Sao Paolo 02 etc). He recently participated in a workshop with Robert Wilson in NY.

"'Could Fly Higher' is an another video installtion. The basic idea of this piece comes from the imagination of a para-curve: for example, a dog's bone thrown afar falls along a rainbow-like curve line in the sky. Or another example, a linear index flies from this end to another of the electronic screen along its flying curve like a supersonic plane, which is like imagination and hope may be repeated one time after another. I further extend this imagination to a curve of about six meters constituted by numerous medicine boxes and pink neon lights, which is hung from the ceiling, parallel to one another vertically. At the upper end is hung a mini-screen facing downward. The picture is comprised of a pair of hands like a pet hunting and racing for food and faintly overlapped flying "New Image". It develops with the change of music and the exchange of slow scene and fast scene and slow-fast scenes. Under the effect of strong gravity (the invisible existence of the image of a pet), appears an illusive scene cased as of by hallucinogenic: carefully looking targets at a time and energetic and running like flying at another; full of fantasies at a time and crazy like a fly suddenly at another. On the ground, I place two red air beds, such that the viewers must lie before they see them. The arrangement of this way of viewing comes from the childhood experience when I lay on a long chair, getting cool air, looking up at the starry sky, full of various whimsical ideas. I think this piece is suitable for the way of viewing."

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