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The Beat Series by Geng Jianyi - Explanation of the Images


<1>. GJY_4073
Instruction of How to Walk (Four steps)
1.Lift the left feet and move it forward, and move the center of body weight forward.
2.Put the center of body weight on the left feet. Move the body forward and keep it being vertical to the ground.
3.Lift the right feet. Lean forward.
4.Move the right feet forward, and put the center of body weight on it. Repeat the whole process.
1.Follow the instruction. Do not do anything irrelevant.
2.Be quick and elegant.

<2>. GJY_9499
Please Let Passengers Exit First (Four steps)
Preparation: Make sure the bus stops completely.
1.Follow the rules. Please let passengers exit first.
2.Be polite. Please stand in line to get on the bus.  
3.Keep the bus clean. Please hold the handrail.
1.Do not rush.
2.Be graceful.

<3>. GJYN34
The four fingers of right hand pat the centre of the left hand palm.

<4>. GJYN33
Use the wrist to lift the right hand.
Clap the palm of the left hand with the four fingers of the right hand.
Separate the two hands. The right hand should be above the left hand.

<5>. GJY_9205
Instruction of How to Wear a Jacket. (Five steps)
Preparation: Hold the jacket.
1.Use the right hand to hold the collar. Reach the left arm into the left sleeve.
2.Move the right hand from the collar to the right armhole. (With the help of left hand)
3.Hold the collar with left hand. Reach the right arm into the right sleeve. (Lean leftward a bit)
4.Adjust the clothes to dress appropriately.
Cautions: pay attention to the position of the elbows.

Instruction of How to Take off a Sweater. (Five steps)
1.Use each hand to grab the opposite lower hem of the sweater and lift the sweater.
2.Stretch the sweater with the right hand. Turn the inside of the sweater out.
3.Lift the sweater above the head.
4.Get the head out of the collar. Get the left hand out of the sleeve at the chest.
5.Get the right hand out of the sleeve with the help of the left hand. Then put the left hand back to the left side of the body.
1.Do not compel or apply too much force in the process.
2.The whole process should be coordinated.

<6>. GJY_1269
Eight Steps
Preparing gesture: Peaceful
1.Contract the risible muscle of both sides to pull the corners of the mouth. Lift the zygomaticus and musculi quadratus labii superioris. (inclined top) Open the mouth and close the eyes slightly.
2.Drop the jaw and close the eyes.  
3.Drop the jaw to the lowest position. Lift the zygomaticus and musculi quadratus labii superioris to compress the orbicular muscle of eyes. Lift the corrugator to compress the frontalis. Open the mouth wide and lean the head backwards a bit.  
4.Prepare to lower the head.
5.Lift the jaw. Relax the zygomaticus, musculi quadratus labii superioris, and corrugator. Put the head back to its initial position.
6.Open the eyes slowly. Relax the risible muscle and close the mouth.
7.Repeat the first instruction.
Requirement: Act naturally and consistently.
1.Avoid subtle movements between each step.
2.Act precisely and sufficiently.

<7>. GJY_1636
Eight Steps
Preparing gesture: Peaceful
1.Contract the risible muscle of both sides to pull the corners of the mouth. Lift the zygomaticus and musculi quadratus labii superioris. (inclined top) Open the mouth and close the eyes slightly.
2.Drop the jaw and close the eyes.  
3.Drop the jaw to the lowest position. Lift the zygomaticus and musculi quadratus labii superioris to compress the orbicular muscle of eyes. Lift the corrugator to compress the frontalis. Open the mouth wide and lean the head backwards a bit. Shed tears.
4.Prepare to lower the head.
5.Lift the jaw. Relax the zygomaticus, musculi quadratus labii superioris, and corrugator. Put the head back to its initial position.
6.Open the eyes slowly. Relax the risible muscle and close the mouth.
7.Repeat the first instruction.
Requirement: Act naturally and consistently.
1.Avoid subtle movements between each step.
2.Act precisely and sufficiently.

<8>. GJY_8546
Get a nice jacket.
Use the right hand to hold the collar of the jacket and lift upwards.
Reach the left arm into the left sleeve.
Move the right hand from the collar to the right armhole. (With the help of left hand)
Hold the collar with the left hand, reach the right arm into the right sleeve. (Lean leftward a bit)
Adjust the clothes to dress appropriately.
Put the left hand back to the left side. Make sure the whole process is coordinated.

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