ShanghART Gallery 香格纳画廊
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b. 1962

Many people exercised the broadcast callisthenics. This series refer to the form of the wall chart of broadcast callisthenics. But here the mechanic explanation couldn’t be viewed as serious. Then what’s the meaning of how to teach the others to practice those daily behaviors? The sarcastic and naughty expression caters for everyone. The artist implied that once the basic behavior is being “culturalized,” then those basic instincts are lost.

Explanation of The Work Image:
Instruction of How to Wear a Jacket. (Five steps)
Preparation: Hold the jacket.
1.Use the right hand to hold the collar. Reach the left arm into the left sleeve.
2.Move the right hand from the collar to the right armhole. (With the help of left hand)
3.Hold the collar with left hand. Reach the right arm into the right sleeve. (Lean leftward a bit)
4.Adjust the clothes to dress appropriately.
Cautions: pay attention to the position of the elbows.

Related Exhibitions:
Art and China After 1989: Theater of the World, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, U.S.A. 10.06, 2017 -01.07, 2018
Wu Zhi, Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai 09.07, 2012 -10.12, 2012

Related Texts:
The Beat Series by Geng Jianyi - Explanation of the Images TEXT 2018-07-26


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