In the wake of the chaotic era, an indeterminate span of time has elapsed. The sky has turned exceedingly somber, with a sinister red glow, like that of blood, emanating from the distant horizon. Strange, shapeless flying objects flit and flicker, casting an air of mystery.
At an unknown juncture, within the forest, an uncanny energy begins to amass, devouring other living beings and absorbing their vitality. As time passes, many of the animals that once roamed freely disappear one by one. The absorbed energy coalesces into hundreds of colossal energy masses that drift aimlessly. Some are colossal and fierce, rampaging and devouring everything in their path. Others are timid and frightened, darting and dodging without purpose.
Later, even the slumbering giants are roused from their deep slumber underground. Slowly, they emerge from the forest, their massive forms swaying. As they do, the energy masses converge around them in a dense swarm. They flit to and fro, gradually taking on humanoid forms. The colossal lightning flashes vividly in the inky darkness. Subsequently, from the vast depths of the ocean, several giants rise from the swirling maelstrom. As the energy continues to accumulate, all the giants make their way towards the massive, ceaselessly rotating lightning in the distance.
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