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ZHI ART Museum Group Exhibition
single-channel video
High definition video, color, sound, Sound design by Wang Chenhuai and Yu Jing, AI Technical support (GAN) by Xiao Xing, Casting: Huang Jiaqi
8 minutes 11 seconds
Edition of 3 + 1AP

As a person who travels between real and virtual worlds, I would often enter a liminal/subsurface perceptual space where everyday experience dissolves into magic particles/pixels at the intersection of images. Here, algorithmic rays repeatedly render images between multiple planes to mimic organic matter; it is where minerals mined from mountains flow through the translucent bodies of hydrophilic organisms; it is also where clouds descend as rainwater ripples and decompose the dead bodies of plants. SubSurfaceSamsvedaja: Twin Chrysalis, uses video as a medium to simulate a perceptual pathway that intersects across scales and multiple perspectives. In this topological field between the organic and the inorganic, the real and the unreal, two autopoetic chrysalises, manifest their moist shapes in a network of generative confrontations.

Related Exhibitions:
Enrooting, the Heterogeneous Phenomenon, Zhi Art Museum, Chengdu 12.15, 2024 -06.08, 2025


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