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Juliana Stein (b.1970)
2006 ~ 2008
colour chromogenic print
Edition of 10

Cave is a work about prison, about imprisonment.
During two years I frequented some prisons, its inmates, cells, guards around the city of Curitiba. This work is the result of a proposition of representation of space as contiguous to the representation of the subject.  
The ambivalence of process of life is a central point in my work. With this work, I intend to invite the observer to an exploration in a dream scene where we are the killer and the wounded at the same time.
I am interested in create a space where we can experience the image and the evidences it provides.  - Evidences of what?  That is the work.

Juliana Stein
Curitiba, August 2012

Related Exhibitions:
Place of Residence-with Artists from Brazil and China, ShanghART H-Space, Shanghai 10.12, 2012 -11.24, 2012


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