2 Pieces
Soft installation is artistic language adopted by JI Wenyu and ZHU Weibing who employ fabric like cloth, silk and cotton for countless changes and possibilities. Seemingly gentile and nonaggressive, however, material of these types equips the artists with unique power. Their works cover themes like social structure and humanity and all sorts of statuses. It took them three years to complete Climbing up the Mountain, Climbing down the Mountain. Composed of 888 figures climbing up and down the mountains respectively, the work recently made its début in solo exhibition JI Wenyu & ZHU Weibing: Follow! Follow! Follow! in ShanghART Gallery. JI and ZHU attempt to inspect the group pattern both in history and at present by personal labour. And the unconsciousness shared by every single figure in their masterpiece is rendered in a way which is so romantic that it appears frozen in time and space.
Detail pictures: